company’s philosophy



Game District has come a long way on its journey to be a substantial, lasting, and sustainable enterprise. The strategic philosophy has been developed and refined over time and serves as a guide for future profitable growth. Great people are trusted and empowered to persue great ideas and reach their full potential with their unique culture and strategy.

Long-term mindset

The company history dates to the early 1990’s when the CEO and co-founder Lars Wingefors started a used comics business at age 13. More than thirty years on, the emphasis on curiosity, taking initative and entrepreneurship is still reflected in the Embracer culture. Founders and entrepreneurs joining Embracer Group want to stay with the company, feel at home and prosper through the freedom to develop even greater businesses. The model works as evidenced by the fact that 106 out of the 108 entrepreneurs who have joined through inorganic growth since 2016, when Embracer Group was listed, are still with the company today.

Culture of freedom and diversity

At Embracer Group, it doesn't matter who you are, where you come from or what you look like. The Group advocates a belief that diversity, different perspectives, and skillsets lead to a better environment for all, and to better results for the business. Operating in more than 40 countries across the globe, representing 69 nationalities, Embracer is a truly international company. The diversity in experiences, skillsets, and perspectives is beneficial. Local company cultures are endorsed and supported by the decentralized operating model. Leading entrepreneurs, creators, and other management are encouraged and expected to make their own decisions.

Quality comes first

Embracer Group has one of the largest and most diversified portfolios of IP's and game franchises in the industry. This is a key strength and enables the operative groups to make the right long-term decisions. The right decision is always to put the product quality first, even in cases where short- term gains seem tempting. Therefore, decisions to postpone, or even cancel releases are not seen as failures but as evidence of an active quality control.

our ecosystem

Group Level

The head office of the Game District houses control and support functions, provides access to wealth, common knowledge, soft synergies, and a healthy governance framework. A significant portion of financial control, governance, compliance, human resources, and communication are handled by the operational units, which makes the company lean.

Companies and Studios

Game District has adopted a multi-brand strategy in which users of video games and other forms of entertainment interact with Game District through any of the many brands, each with its own distinct voice, aesthetic, and philosophy.


Game District compromises an ecosystem for studios, publishers, and other gaming businesses. Businesses are offered unique collaborations, financial empowerment, and business opportunities that are a strong incentive to join. The group has increased from 370 to more than 16,243 people as a result, and the growth has continued.

Long-term mindset

The company history dates to the early 1990’s when the CEO and co-founder Lars Wingefors started a used comics business at age 13. More than thirty years on, the emphasis on curiosity, taking initative and entrepreneurship is still reflected in the Embracer culture. Founders and entrepreneurs joining Embracer Group want to stay with the company, feel at home and prosper through the freedom to develop even greater businesses. The model works as evidenced by the fact that 106 out of the 108 entrepreneurs who have joined through inorganic growth since 2016, when Embracer Group was listed, are still with the company today.

Culture of freedom and diversity

At Embracer Group, it doesn't matter who you are, where you come from or what you look like. The Group advocates a belief that diversity, different perspectives, and skillsets lead to a better environment for all, and to better results for the business. Operating in more than 40 countries across the globe, representing 69 nationalities, Embracer is a truly international company. The diversity in experiences, skillsets, and perspectives is beneficial. Local company cultures are endorsed and supported by the decentralized operating model. Leading entrepreneurs, creators, and other management are encouraged and expected to make their own decisions.

business model

Operating model

Embracer Group employs a decentralized operating model. This is considered key to empowering talented developers and entrepreneurs across the Group. The model gives commercial autonomy to operative group CEOs, founders, and studio heads to run business operations in the way they see fit, while following Embracer Group’s framework for reporting, control, Code of Conduct and governance. The approach fosters creativity, speed and relevance as decisions are taken closer to the relevant markets and communities.

While employing a decentralized operating model, the company seeks to realize synergies where possible and deemed appropriate, for instance IP or talent sharing between operating groups. The spread of best practice across the group as well as collaboration is encouraged.

Financial model

A strong balance sheet is emphasized which reduces the financial risk and maximises strategic flexibility. Operating cash flow is reinvested in organic growth activities to as large extent as possible, and retained cash is used to finance bolt on acquisitions. To align interests with founders, management and key shareholders in acquired companies, Embracer Group often issue equity and put in place long term earnouts as part of the consideration.

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