To celebrate the Independence Day 2021, Game District organized an event for the planting of 10,000 trees in the outskirts of Lahore, Pakistan. The event was aimed at promoting environmental conservation and to work towards a common goal of creating a greener and more sustainable Pakistan. The initiative was undertaken in collaboration with local environmental organizations and volunteers who participated in the tree-planting campaign.

The event was a huge success, with all Game District sub-teams turning up in numbers to participate in the plantation drive. The volunteers, along with the Game District team, planted a variety of trees, including fruit trees and shade trees, in the designated areas of Lahore. The initiative was also aimed at creating awareness about the importance of environmental conservation in the country.

Game District’s event for the “10,000 Trees Plantation” received widespread appreciation from the local community and the media. The company’s management expressed their commitment to promoting environmental conservation and sustainability through their various initiatives.

The initiative not only benefited the environment but also helped to strengthen the team’s sense of responsibility towards their social and environmental obligations. By promoting sustainable practices in personal and professional lives, Game District set an example for other companies to follow and inspired team members to be agents of change in their communities.

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