To commemorate the successful journey of reaching its fourth anniversary, Game District hosted a highly successful event called “Together Towards Tomorrow,” in July 2021. The event brought together employees, stakeholders, and partners to celebrate the company’s progress and set a vision for the future. The event was focused on the company’s core ideology of working together as a team to achieve collective goals.

The event was kicked off by the CEO’s keynote speech, which highlighted the achievements of the company over the past year and set out the vision for the upcoming year. The keynote was followed by presentations from various department heads, showcasing the significant contributions of each team towards the company’s growth.

Another highlight was that the several distinguished guests spoke highly of the company’s leadership and wished them the best for the future. These guests included Karina Shaik from Collective Ace Group, Omar Alzayani from the Kingdom of Bahrain, Pek Pongpaet, the CEO & Chief UX Strategist, and Robert Hammond, the Founder of Globashare.

Karina Shaik praised the leadership of Game District, acknowledging their vision and dedication to achieving success. She expressed her appreciation for their ability to create a positive work environment that fosters innovation and creativity.

Omar Alzayani also spoke highly of the Game District leadership, citing their ability to inspire teams and build strong partnerships as key factors in the company’s success. He wished the leadership team the best for the future and encouraged them to continue leading with passion and vision.

Pek Pongpaet echoed these sentiments, expressing his admiration for the Game District leadership team’s focus on creating exceptional user experiences. He commended their ability to build a talented and motivated workforce and wished them continued success in their endeavors.

Robert Hammond also praised the Game District leadership for their entrepreneurial spirit and dedication to achieving success. He acknowledged their achievements in building a successful gaming company and wished them the best for the future.

Overall, the “Together Towards Tomorrow” event was a resounding success, as it reinforced Game District’s commitment to teamwork, recognized the contributions of employees, and set the stage for continued growth and success in the future.

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